Monday, 21 August 2017

Presentation feedback for peers

Presentation feedback for peers



1. Your presentation is fluent.
2. You have sufficient researches and process on your Google blog and your website.


1. your website background colour and text colour are too similar, user were difficult to identify.



1. Your website have beautiful bright colours, many creative images and colourful artworks.
2. Your have a good title and clear navigation.


1. Your website heading is too small.
2. Text color and background color is too similar.



1. You have beautiful website design.
2. Your blog have enough description and explain.
3. Your presentation is fluent.




1.Your website and social media researches are very well include plenty of images, information and    detail.
2. You have excellent discussion, you (and your audience) raised a number of interesting points.
3. Your blog was successful at explaining some difficult and important concepts.


1. You misspelled some technical words.


1. Your digital works are very beautiful.
2. You used clear color to design your website.

1. You didn't finish your blog.
2. Your blog showed some understanding of your topic, however I see little indication of a strong understanding.



1. Your have amazing digital works.
2. You have to complete the draft of blog, because you have clear idea and professional work.
3. Your website looks very fashionable.


1. Your have a bit of mistake in your presentation.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Compare my website with desktop view and mobile view

                   Compare my website with desktop view and mobile view

Today, we stated compare our website between the desktop view and mobile view. I post these picture below.
 We can see, in the home page, the desktop view is wider than mobile, we can see the background image. However, in the mobile view, I barely see the background image, meanwhile the Logo change the shape became bigger than desktop. The navigation is also changed to the right foot of the screen.

About pages are similar between with desktop view and mobile view. User can also see my photos and some personal information.

This page changes greatly, mobile view can show my introduction, but can not show my image.

The contact page does not change much. They are very clear to show my contact, social links, and even can send me an email.


I opened my web pages with different electronic devices and watched their typographical changes, and the user experience. I think, in the desktop view, the screen arranged more atmosphere, you can see more results. However, mobile view is more concise and convenient.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Redesign the homepage

Redesign the homepage, analyse and suggest improvement for the

  1.  The homepage of , we can see a friendly design.
  2.  User can quick check sigh in and check out process.
  3.  This website have a good host service.
  4.  This website have relevant and unique content.
  5.  User can see a good video which offer some events and show us a beautiful work studio..
  6.  The website is very clear and easy to read.

  1.  The background of this website is too simple and not creativity. User  just see some logo on it.
  2.  Poor content and image.
  3.  There very few links.
  4.  The colour of this website are quite monotonous.

  1. Internet on mobile phone.
  2. Online transaction. 
  3. Innovative marketing strategies.

  1. Other fashion design website that are strong the this one.
  2. Because this brand is new, many people might not know this brand.

reference: Leone (2017) Leone [Online image] 
Available from: [Accessed 28/07/2017]

Firstly, I researched this website. It have a good slogan that can be attratuct new user. Like "Here you can find a world of handmade in England women's and unisex fashion collections and unique gifts." This message expresses the product positioning and the audience, and this home page use large, high-imapct images to draw user in and create an immersive.

Reference: Lavish Alice (2017) Activity [Online image] 
Available from: [Accessed 28/07/2017]

Reference: Love Miss Daisy (2017) Activity [Online image] 
Available from: [Accessed 28/07/2017]

Secondly, I researched other two online shop website design. The first website is Lavish Alice, the second website is Love Miss Daisy, these two website mainly focus for young women, so we can see that, the color scheme is based bright like orange, pink and green. It is thought about the designer use warm and bright colors to creat a warm atmosphere. ite space, which expresses a relaxed feeling. rules and background are clear that can be especially useful for drawing attention to the website.

Thirdly, I started redesign the website on white paper for I wanted to create a big image such as the outdoor photos of  Leone shop.then put the logo in left corner of the top. The central part of the web page is heading and slogan. below the heading, I wanted put a video in here. It very clear and can rich the website.

Fourthly, I used the moqups to design the website layout. It is related with my initial idea. It have a simple and clear style, because I think the simpler the structure of the site, the easier it is for users to navigate.

Finally, I choose the image about outdoor photo of the shop. and put a video that can show all of information about their workshop ,studio and design.


When I designing a website layout there are some common mistakes that often pop up.
Before starting the work I need to know what is it you are designing for. Besides the description of the site, I need to know what the expectations are for it. I should targete at users'likely interests before it began to do . Avoid design the website don't have any user experiencing.

5. Logo Re-design

Logo is an essential element of a brand which plays an important role in brand communication (Chen, 2008). The distinct and unique logo cont...