Compare my website with desktop view and mobile view
Today, we stated compare our website between the desktop view and mobile view. I post these picture below.
We can see, in the home page, the desktop view is wider than mobile, we can see the background image. However, in the mobile view, I barely see the background image, meanwhile the Logo change the shape became bigger than desktop. The navigation is also changed to the right foot of the screen.
About pages are similar between with desktop view and mobile view. User can also see my photos and some personal information.
This page changes greatly, mobile view can show my introduction, but can not show my image.
The contact page does not change much. They are very clear to show my contact, social links, and even can send me an email.
I opened my web pages with different electronic devices and watched their typographical changes, and the user experience. I think, in the desktop view, the screen arranged more atmosphere, you can see more results. However, mobile view is more concise and convenient.
Please add commentary and notes. Describe the browsers you tested the mobile view on.